As we begin to near the end of Q2 we would like to give our community an update and transparency on the development progress. We have decided the best way to do this is to update our roadmap as per below and on our website.
Some key points from the change that you may have questions about are the On-Demand and Aggregator public release. After reading the details below if you have any additional questions, please forward them to the Modefi telegram.
The On-Demand Oracle
While developing the On-Demand Oracle we realized that it has the potential to be so much more powerful than we initially envisioned. After realizing this we went into full brainstorming mode to determine how many industries outside of the blockchain space could utilize this technology. After building an extensive list we started incorporating it into the development of the On-Demand platform. This has added additional development / planning hours that we did not initially account for when we released the original roadmap. However, once completed the On-Demand Oracle will be suited for a large number of institutions and businesses, and will be easily customizable. We can’t give away all the details just yet but we are excited to show it off very soon!
The Decentralized Aggregated Oracle
After feedback from some of our Partners we have decided to move towards the beta release of the customized V2 Aggregated Oracle before releasing V1 to the public. Allowing developers to have control over the included Oracles and deviation parameters was a huge step in the right direction for real adoption of our Decentralized Aggregated Oracle.
Q2 2021
- Partnerships
- DAO Governance Release
- Marketing — Phase 3
- CEX Listing
Early Q3 2021
- On-Demand Oracle V1 Beta Release
- Validator On-boarding
- Dashboard Revamp
- Website Update
- Brand Building / Awareness
Q3 2021
- On-Demand Oracle V2 Beta Release
- B2B Outreach
- Oracle On-boarding — Phase 2
- Decentralized Aggregated Oracle V2 Beta Release
Q4 2021
- Decentralized Aggregated Oracle Public Release
- Oracle Marketplace Beta V1 Release
Q1 2022
- DeFi Dashboard Design / Beta
- Oracle Marketplace Beta V2 Release
Modefi: An Oracle Solutions Platform
Modefi’s mission is to bring decentralized trustless Oracle solutions to developers and businesses. Using multi-chain solutions Modefi is building interoperability that will drive adoption and true power to the blockchain ecosystem.