Migrating PancakeSwap Liquidity from V1 to V2

4 min readMay 18, 2021


Round 1 of Staking on Binance Smart Chain has officially concluded. Which means Round 2 is just around the corner.

We will announce the launch of Round 2 staking on BSC this week. We would like to give everyone an equal opportunity to get staked early, as the APY is much higher during the early stages of staking.

Important note for users staking PancakeSwap Liquidity tokens on the Modefi staking dashboard!

The $MOD liquidity on PancakeSwap is being migrated to V2, most users who have provided liquidity already will be part of the V1 PancakeSwap pool.

Please take the time to withdraw your stake from the Modefi Staking Dashboard and follow the below instructions to migrate V1 to V2 to continue staking on Round 2.

Step 1: Withdraw your stake from https://dashboard.modefi.io/#/staking-rewards if you haven’t done so already.

Step 2: Visit https://v1exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/pool

Check the box beside the disclaimer and select “Continue to V1 Anyway”

Step 3: Connect your Metamask wallet to PancakeSwap and ensure “V1 (old)” is selected at the bottom of the screen.

If you encounter the above error message make sure your Metamask is connected to the “Binance Smart Chain Network”.

If you do not have it enabled visit https://chainlist.org to add it.

If you see the message “No liquidity found” do not worry, you will just need to follow a couple more steps to complete the migration. Move to step 4. If you see the BNB/MOD pool, go to step 5.

Step 4: Import Pool

Select “Import it”

Click “Select a Token”

Paste the $MOD BSC Token Address (0xd4fbc57b6233f268e7fba3b66e62719d74deecbc) and select “(add)” then click on “MOD”.

If done successfully you should now see you V1 LP balance like shown above.

Next click the back arrow.

Step 5: Removing Liquidity

Click the down arrow

Select “Remove”

Next select “Max”, followed by “Approve”. You will then need to confirm the transaction on Metamask. Once approved, the “Remove” button will become green. Select “Remove” and confirm the transaction again in Metamask.

After this is complete, you should now have your $MOD and $BNB in your Metamask wallet.

Adding liquidity to PancakeSwap V2

To add liquidity to V2 on PCS visit the link below


Enter the amount of $BNB or $MOD you would like to supply to liquidity. Once you are done select the “Supply” button (must be highlighted green, if it is not then one of you token balances is too low). Once confirmed and added you will now have Cake-LP (V2) tokens.

If you would like to add the LP token address to your wallet use the following contract address


Stay tuned for Round 2 BSC Staking……

Important Contract Addresses

Binance Smart Chain $MOD contract address


Fantom network $MOD contract address


Ethereum network $MOD contract address


Modefi: An Oracle Solutions Platform

Modefi’s mission is to bring decentralized trustless Oracle solutions to developers and businesses. Using multi-chain solutions Modefi is building interoperability that will drive adoption and true power to the blockchain ecosystem.

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Buy $MOD on Kucoin

Buy $MOD on QuickSwap

Buy $MOD on Uniswap

Buy $MOD on PancakeSwap

Buy $MOD on SpookySwap(Fantom)




Building the foundation for real world adoption of Oracles and DeFi