The Time has Finally Come!
The entire team has been hard at work for a very long time and the patience from our fantastic community and supporters couldn’t have been more positive and appreciated. Thank you, to everyone!
We are thrilled to officially announce the launch date of the brand new, from the ground up, customizable On-Demand Oracle (ODO) Beta!
How Will The Launch Work?
We have decided to release the beta in two stages. Both stages will have incentives built-in, designed to help users learn how to use the platform and how to build within it.
Sept 1, 2022, we will release private beta access to the MOD Squad. This will allow our top crypto experts and most engaged community members to experience the ODO first. If you are not part of the MOD Squad and feel that your talents could be utilized during the beta please, let us know here.
Sept 15, 2022, we will release the public beta access to everyone. The objective of this release is to give any and everyone access to the most powerful Oracle tool in the crypto space. At this point of the release, we will have perfected the learning experience and will have additional ideas from the MOD Squad on how the community might like to utilize the platform and expand on it.
Modefi Staking Program
The Modefi Staking Program has served its purpose and will no longer be active. However, users will still be able to earn those sweet, sweet $MOD rewards within our Beta Program. More in depth details will be given with the official launch of the ODO Beta.
We recommend for everyone that wants to participate in the Beta to withdraw their tokens from all staking contracts. We will be using testnet $MOD during the beta, your testnet tokens will be distributed based on your mainnet balance.